Tuesday, September 5, 2017

The Morning - Latte Hype

Question: You know what's better than coffee in the morning? 

Answer: Super cheap ($0.85) Three Tree coffee in the morning! 

Three Tree switched their rewards program over to punch cards a couple weeks ago, and I have just got to turn in my first one for $3.00 off my coffee purchase. So, basically, I got a fancy, 12 oz. vanilla latte for less than a buck. There are some perks to being a regular!

The flavor was of the super sweet, creamy variety, and it was definitely enhanced by the coffee mug that allowed me to enjoy the maximum amount of foaminess. If I had to compare it, I would say that it is most similar in flavor to the sweetened espresso beverage I ordered at the Foxy Loxy Cafe in Savannah (see post here), but it was different enough to be unique because of the blended roasts of espresso from Nicaragua and Guatemala. 

Overall, I would say that this was a fine coffee experience, and I understand why people get pumped up with a morning latte (even though I still prefer my coffee black). The Vanilla Latte earned a healthy 3.8 stars in my book, but let's face it, the pretty design rounds it up to a 4.0! Have a wonderful morning, and enjoy the hype!

<3 Lena Beana <3

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